Practicus je měsíčním periodikem Společnosti všeobecného lékařství ČLS JEP, jehož hlavním posláním je vytvářet platformu praktických lékařů pro sdělování aktuálních informací, výměnu zkušeností a v neposlední řadě i pro jejich kontinuální vzdělávání.

Authors` guide

/ Authors` guide

PRACTICUS Editorial Office
U Hranic 16, 100 00 Praha 10
Czech Republic

PRACTICUS is a monthly journal of the Society of General Practice of the Czech Medical Association of Jan Evangelista Purkyně (SGP CMA JEP). Practicus chief objective is to assist to about 5000 general practitioners in patient care.
The editors consider only manuscripts that are original, have not been published previously, and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Articles that demonstrate a family medicine perspective on and approach to a common clinical condition are particularly desirable.

Article Proposals

Authors must be able to demonstrate expertise in their area of interest or manuscript topic. Topic proposals should be submitted via electronic mail to 

Clinical Review Articles

Practicus focuses on clinical conditions that are encountered frequently by general practitioner, with an emphasis on diagnosis and treatment of common, important diseases. Clinical reviews generally should be not longer than 5 manuscript pages in length. 

Case studies

Submissions of Case studies must include a patient story, commentary, resources. Close-ups submissions should include the following:

A patient story. The length of stories should be approximately 1-2 manuscript pages, however, if you wish to submit a slightly longer story for us to edit, you may do so. All submissions are subject to editing.
A commentary. Submit a few sentences (50-100 words) as your commentary on the story.

Letters to the Editor

Authors may comment on a previously published article or present a freestanding letter on an important clinical topic. Letters should be fewer than 500 words in length, with a limit of one table or figure, and six or fewer references.

Manuscript Format

Manuscripts formatted to conform to the following guidelines are acceptable for submission.

Format of the manuscript: margins of 2,5 cm on all sides, 1,5 - line spacing,
type face: Times New Roman, type size: 12.

Arrange the manuscript in the following sequence, with each section beginning on a new page:

Title page

The article title
Each author’s name with highest academic degree and institutional affiliation.
For the corresponding author, please list the mailing address, office and home telephone numbers, fax number(s), and e-mail address

Biographic sketch and the author’s photo

Include a brief biographic sketch for each author (no more than 75 words). Succinctly summarize each author’s medical training, current position, and academic appointments.).


The abstract of maximum 150 words should provide factual and specific (rather than general and nonspecific) information summarizing the main points of the manuscript)


Article length should not exceed 5 manuscript pages of text for clinical review articles, 2 manuscript pages for the case study and 2 manuscript pages for the letter to the editor ( in all not including the title page, abstract, tables, reference list, etc).
Longer manuscripts are rarely accepted or will be considered to splitting into serial parts.


Please number references in the text in the order of citation. Arrange references numerically, not alphabetically.


SGP encourages the submission of original figures that clarify the text. The term "figures" refers to illustrations, photographs, radiographs, scans, sonograms, diagrams, graphs, flow charts, algorithms, etc. SGP requires authors to transfer copyright ownership of original figures to the Practicus.
We strongly prefer original photographs/images, because images downloaded from Web sites or taken from other publications rarely reproduce well. Each figure should be submitted as a separate digital file and numbered sequentially as it appears in the text.